Have you considered how you can downsize your personal carbon footprint, or if it’s even possible? Do you wonder what local government is doing to prepare for sea level rise?
My guests Patrick Carr and Julie Neander with the City of Arcata discuss practical options for individuals to reduce climate-changing pollution, along with upcoming events to learn more about Arcata’s sea level rise preparedness plans. Focusing on housing, transportation, and the food we eat, what would it mean to live closer to balance with the climate?
Beginning October 4, Climate Conversations will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center. Pre-registration is required. This program is limited to 12 participants. Enroll online for this free course at www.cityofarcata.org/rec. Learn more about Climate Conversations by contacting the Arcata Recreation Division at 707-822-7091 or contact Patrick Carr at 707-672-5039. This program is limited to 12 participants.
For more info:
Power up to 100% Renewable Energy for your home or business at http://redwoodenergy.org
You fix it: Can you get us within the climate budget? – New York Times, Aug. 29. This climate simulator lets you explore more than 8,100 climate scenarios, based on a model developed by Climate Interactive and the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management.
October is Sea Level Rise Awareness Month in Arcata. Special events include a trail walk along areas affected by Sea Level Rise, an art contest, and opportunities to learn more about the City’s plan for sea level rise preparedness. For info, visit http://www.cityofarcata.org/759/Sea-Level-Rise.
Climate Change Recalculated: To make the connection between personal actions and global climate change, engineer Saul Griffith has been analyzing his own life in extreme detail to figure out exactly how much energy he uses and what changes might reduce the load. In 2007, when he started, he was consuming about 18,000 watts, like most Americans.