Rick Howlett
Rick has been a member of the WFPL News team since 2001 and has covered numerous beats and events over the years. Most recently he’s been tracking the Indiana General Assembly and the region’s passion for sports, especially college basketball.
A celebration of Muhammad Ali's life that focused on children happened Wednesday in Ali's hometown of Louisville, Ky. The festival included music, dance and educational activities and intended to remind young people that they, like Ali, "can become the greatest at whatever they choose."
Muhammad Ali's presence loomed large in his hometown of Louisville, Ky. Residents remembered him Saturday.
For generations, the day before the Kentucky Derby was unofficially considered "Louisville's Day at the Races," when locals could enjoy Churchill Downs without the huge Derby crowds, high admission prices and general madness. But over the past few years, "Oaks Day" has become popular among out-of-towners who come in early and make a whole weekend of it. Now, locals gather on the Thursday before the Derby.