Diwali Festival of Lights Celebration

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Matilda Bunchongchitr, Danielle Orr, Ava Mark
Katie Whiteside

The HSU Multicultural Center hosts a Diwali Celebration on November 6th at 5pm in the Kate Buchanan Room on the Humboldt State University Campus- and you are invited!

Come and celebrate the epic Hindi tale of Lord Rama and Sita, Ravana and the battle of Ramayana, symbolizing the victory of good over evil, with offerings of light, Bollywood dancing and Hindi food. This is an all ages and family friendly event, which is also free and open to all.

HSU students Matilda Bunchongchitr, ADPIC Co-Coordiantor/Wildlife Biology and Ava Mark, MCC International Cooprdinator/International Studies speak on the KHSU Magazine, both of the HSU Multicultural Center enjoyed preparing this event and hope you will attend. 

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