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Just a Fraction of Santa Clara County Health Care Workers Will Get First Batch of Vaccine

Santa Clara County will not be able to vaccinate all of its estimated 130,000 health care workers from the first batch of shots it expects to get next week, according to Dr. Marty Fenstersheib, the county’s COVID-19 testing officer.

Fenstersheib told supervisors Tuesday the county expects to receive 17,500 doses initially. A county spokesperson said Wednesday the shipment should be enough to vaccinate about 8,775 people with the required two injections, administered within 21 days of each other.

Fenstersheib also said the state has asked Santa Clara to help distribute 230 doses of the vaccine, which requires ultra-cold freezers, in rural San Benito County.

“Some of the smaller counties that can’t even manage to have the facilities to store even one of those minimum dose trays are going to be required to be supplied by some of the larger counties,” Fenstersheib said.

Federal and state guidance puts front-line health care workers at the top of the list for early vaccination.

—Polly Stryker (@hamrashaar)

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