The KHSU Endowment
A Fund for the Perpetual Benefit of KHSU
The KHSU Endowment is a permanent fund invested for the long-term benefit of KHSU. Each year a portion of the income generated from this fund becomes available to support the station’s programming, equipment, and operational needs. The body of the KHSU Endowment continues to be invested and remains a permanent asset in support of the station. As the value of the KHSU Endowment grows over time, so will the annual income available to the station.
Endowment gifts of any amount can be added into KHSU’s existing Endowment Fund. In addition, with a gift or gifts totaling $25,000 or more, you can establish a new permanent endowed fund to provide a consistent flow of support to fund a particular KHSU activity. An endowment gift will provide long-term perpetual benefit to KHSU. We encourage you to designate your planned gift as a contribution into a KHSU Endowment Fund.
The KHSU Endowment is professionally managed by the Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation. To learn more about creating an endowed Fund, please contact us:
Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation & Development office
Phone: 707.826.5200