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California Issues New Guidance on COVID-19 Testing

California Implementing New COVID Testing Guidelines

California’s Department of Public Health has announced substantial updates to its COVID-19 testing guidance. People who are fully vaccinated can skip COVID testing in non-healthcare workplaces or at large or mass social gatherings.Reporter: Mary Franklin Harvin, The California Report

State Following Through on Pledge to Help Students Struggling During Pandemic

As schools across California launch into summer school, the state is following through with its pledge to pump $4.6 billion to help them deliver on mental health services and tutoring for kids who need it.Reporter: Julia McEvoy, KQED

Gas Prices Continue to Rise in California

In California, gas prices are setting new records – a gallon of unleaded now costs $4.22. And there are several factors behind the high prices.Guest: Roben Farzad, host of Public Radio’s Full Disclosure

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