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Click this banner to access the Living on Shaky Ground Handbook, which explains how you can prepare for, survive, and recover from earthquakes and tsunamis.

Are You Ready to Shake Out?

Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:20 a.m. on October 20 during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, which began in California in 2008. 

KHSU will help you participate by airing simulated earthquake audio and message to "Drop, Cover and Hold On" at 10:20 a.m. Thursday the 20th.

Professor Emeritus Lori Dengler spoke on the KHSU Homepage about the ShakeOut and our area's large role in earthquake and tsunami preparedness.

The Great Shake Out site has a number of resources., videos on preparedness, checklists and guides for preparing your home, workplace and school for a quake.

Seven Steps for earthquake safety.