"It's about time scientists ... go on the offensive," Mike Manetas told EcoNews Report's Jen Kalt. Amid the speakers, marchers, and colorful signs, Kalt asked people why they marched for science.
"We use a lot of science to keep the water clean enough so that everybody can drink it," says Sheri Woo of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District.
Motivated by the threat of major funding cuts to governmental science agencies and initiatives, an estimated 2,000 citizens marched through Arcata to support science.
"If we don't make our decisions based on facts, we're really going to regret it," said Humboldt County Supervisor Mike Wilson.
"It's a powerful way to understand our world," said Carol Vander Meer.
Patty Torres told Kalt, "It's important to educate future generations."
"I did it because I'm concerned as a scientist about what's going on," march organizer Ross Taylor said. "We need facts, we need science guiding public policy." Organizers say that this is just a first step, and they encourage participants to take further action.
Hear these voices, scheduled speakers, and more on this episode of the EcoNews Report, produced by the Northcoast Environmental Center. To hear past episodes, subscribe to the EcoNews Report podcast.
https://vimeo.com/214428840">March for Science - Humboldt - time lapse version from https://vimeo.com/todu">Thomas B. Dunklin on Vimeo.