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Chronologically Gifted: Ellyn Kaschak on Happiness across Cultures

"I think in the United States, we're mostly on the wrong path to happiness.  We do the pursuit, but we don't get to the happiness as much as we could if we understood what happiness is."  Dr. Ellyn Kaschak returns to the show to talk about happiness, the ways in which many people in the U.S. see happiness as a kind of birthright, and the differences in how happiness is defined between Costa Rica and the U.S.  Ellyn was a professor of Psychology at San Jose State University. She is one of the founders of feminist psychology which she has practiced and taught since 1972.  She has an extensive list of books and journal publications, as well as numerous awards.   She also has a keen understanding of the cross-cultural differences between the U.S., where she lived until her retirement, and Costa Rica where she lives now.