"The reason we count murrelets at sea is, of course, because in the forest they are flying around at really high speeds in the dawn or dusk and while you…
Ospreys are the world’s most widespread raptor, found near water everywhere except Antarctica.Naturalist Ken Burton shares a bit about the life history of…
Naturalist Ken Burton highlights this season's magnificent shorebird migration along Humboldt Bay. https://soundcloud.com/sound_ecology
This segment of Sound Ecology features Naturalist Ken Burton discussing two songbirds, the orange-crowned and Wilson's warbler.
The Allen's hummingbird is among the first migratory birds to return to our region this time of year. Naturalist Ken Burton highlights this special bird…
An audio postcard highlighting the enigmatic American Dipper. Naturalist and author Ken Burton wrote this segment. https://soundcloud.com/sound_ecology
Ken Burton talks about common murres nesting on cliffsides and rock outcroppings along the rugged Northcoast region. https://soundcloud.com/sound_ecology