Humboldt County District 3 Supervisor, Mike Wilson talks about why voting in local elections matters as well as some of the projects on the horizon for…
The HSU Political Science Department is sponsoring a Voter Education Forum this Wednesday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m. in HSU's Founders Hall Room 118.…
Mark Lovelace is a former Humboldt County Supervisor. In this KHSU Magazine interview, Mark weighs in on the Mercer-Fraser rezoning proposal currently…
The Shelter Crisis Declaration would facilitate zoning and relax liability for the County, while making unused county land or buildings available to…
Nearly 18 years in the making, the County’s 20-year land use plan was finally adopted in October. It will create ten percent fewer new homes with more…
Humboldt's new community radio station began broadcasting this month at 96.7 FM. KZZH is airing local government meetings, and will accept program…