Dream Quest provides youth with vocational and creative opportunities to imagine and build their dreams. Dream Quest is located in Willow Creek,…
The advocacy group Humboldt Alliance for Arts Education is relaunching Friday, as a response to ongoing factors on the statewide political horizon that…
On this episode of North Coast Update, Susan Andrews reports that True North Organizing Network and the Klamath Local Organizing Committee brought…
"We don't encourage microphone singing," says Humboldt Light Opera Company's Carol Ryder. She and HLOC work to instill traditional musical theater skills…
KHSU Magazine host Claire Reynolds talks with Director Sasha Marini about the Teen Court diversion program that has been around for 16 years. Teen Court…
Essential natural resources, such as clean air and water, are held in trust by sovereign governments on behalf of its citizens. Youth around the country…
The film Screenagers addresses how growing up in the digital age is affecting families and our educational system. Homepage host Katie Whiteside talks…
What's it like to be a teenager in Humboldt County? Many struggle with drugs and violence and become caught up in the court system. In order to redirect…