Live Your Language shares and celebrates the Native languages of northwestern California. This segment shares the Yurok way to share where you are from.
Margo Robbins is the Indian Education Director for the Klamath-Trinity School District. KHSU had a chance to sit down with Margo to discuss her role in…
The Yurok Tribe announced it is cancelling its commercial fishery for a third consecutive year due to a relatively low salmon abundance forecast for the…
Food For Thought ventured to Klamath, CA for the annual Salmon Festival.Deliciousness wafting in the air, Jennifer Bell talked with members of the Gensaw…
Jennifer Bell continues her discussion about traditional basketry with Lena Hurd.Jen and Lena talk about maintaining healthy ecological connections and…
Danielle Orr shares her engaging discussion with Abby Abinanti, Chief Judge of the Yurok Tribe, about restorative justice and the Tribal Court system.By…
On this week's Food For Thought, Jennifer Bell continues the discussion about traditional Tribal foods with Yurok basketweaver Lena Hurd.From baynuts and…
In many ways, language expresses worldview.Leo Canez introduces us to the meaning and useage of 'Ayekwee' (Oyekwee) in the Yurok language.
This fall, the number of chinook salmon making their way from the ocean up the Klamath River in the far northwest corner of California is the lowest on record. That’s devastating news for the Yurok tribe, which has lived along and fished the Klamath for centuries. Salmon is integral to their entire culture and way … Continue reading Fish Blood in Their Veins — But Few Salmon in Their River →
A new College of the Redwoods exhibit is a chance for visitors to view some of a historic collection the college purchased nearly 40 years ago. This…