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How Humboldt Phones It In

Facebook/Power Lunch Humboldt

Perhaps you've noticed some of your friends urging you to call elected officials and let them hear your opinions on current affairs and actions by our government. 

That’s actually part of how the democratic system works! Citizens get to be heard!   

But who do you call? What do you say? 

Which issue will you bring up?

Is there any point to these calls? Are our politicians hearing us? Do they care what we have to say? Maybe you’ll do some Googling and try it….. tomorrow.

Or maybe you’ll track down Power Lunch Humboldt’s Facebook Page

Power Lunch Humboldt organizes calling sessions complete with the relevant elected official’s contact information, background information on the issues, and scripts to work from. You don’t even have to show up to their biweekly gatherings in Arcata, you can participate virtually or independently, from anyplace, on your own schedule. But if you attend in person, there is free lunch.

Yes. Free lunch.

Power Lunch Humboldt is spearheaded by Arcata powerhouse Elizabeth Connor.  “After the Women’s March, there was a lot of energy here,” Connor says, explaining how she was propelled into action by her own anxiety and hope. Connor and Power Lunch participant Halimah Collingwood make a convincing case for easy, effective political action. “Yes, your voice is being heard," she says. “Action is the antidote for despair.”

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