"The Harbor District kind of blindsided everyone on Friday afternoon, announcing a special meeting on Monday at which they were going to eneter into a lease with a Norwegian company, Nordic Aquafarms for the pulp mill site," says North Coast Journal news editor Thad Greenson in an interview with the KHSU Magazine.
Greenson, with assistant editor Kimberley Wear, sifted through what they could find out about the project, the company and spoke with stakeholders after the meeting.
Questions abound, including why the public was given little notice of the intended lease, what environmental and fisheries impacts could such a facility have and whether an aquaculture facility would compete with local fishermen.
The complete article is here: North Coast Journal: Norwegian Company Casts Bid for Fish Farm
Greenson also previews the cover story in the Journal, a reporting collaboration with Cal Matters on California's gun regulations and whether they are effective.